Mole Removal

mole removal

Mole Removal Melbourne

At Lotus Skin Check Clinic, we offer industry-leading mole removal treatments. The skin health experts at Lotus Skin Check Clinic are dedicated to providing you with a safe, effective, and scar-free experience.

Schedule a consultation today to discuss your individual needs and learn how we can help you achieve clear, beautiful skin with mole removal. 

Mole Removal Follow-Up Diagnosis

Following your mole removal, Lotus Skin Check Clinic will perform a biopsy to analyse the removed tissue, ensuring complete removal and providing peace of mind. We’ll continue to monitor the healing process and provide any necessary follow-up care.
mole removal near me

Why Choose Lotus Skin Check Clinic Brunswick?

Seeking mole removal can be a daunting experience. At Lotus Skin Check Clinic Brunswick, we understand your concerns and strive to provide the highest quality care in a comfortable and professional environment. Here’s why we should be your trusted partner for mole removal:
Mole Removal Melbourne
Don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with us today. We are committed to helping you achieve clear, healthy, and beautiful skin, free from the worry of moles and skin tags.


In some cases, your GP (General Practitioner) may be able to remove a mole. However, it depends on various factors like the mole's appearance, location, and potential for being cancerous. A referral to a skin specialist for more complex or suspicious moles.

It's always best to consult your GP to discuss your specific case and determine the most suitable course of action for mole removal.

Medicare may cover the removal of moles under certain circumstances. If the removal is deemed medically necessary, such as for suspected skin cancer, Medicare may partially or fully cover the costs. However, mole removal is typically not covered by Medicare.

We recommend contacting Medicare or speaking to Lotus Skin Check Clinic to understand whether your specific mole removal procedure would be covered.

The decision of whether or not to remove a mole depends on several factors, including:

  • Cosmetical Concerns: If the mole bothers you cosmetically, removing it can boost your confidence and self-esteem.
  • Skin Cancer Risk: Moles with irregular shapes, changes in colour, or rapid growth may be indicative of skin cancer. Removing these moles is crucial for early diagnosis and treatment.
  • Location and Discomfort: If a mole rubs against clothing or causes irritation, removing it can alleviate discomfort.

Ultimately, the decision to remove a mole is a personal one. We recommend scheduling a consultation with Lotus Skin Check Clinic to discuss your concerns and explore the best option for your situation.

Skin Check

Book an Appointment

Schedule a consultation with Lotus Skin Check Clinic today to discuss your mole removal needs. We offer flexible appointment times and are committed to providing you with a positive and personalised experience.